At Back In Motion Chiropractic & Acupuncture, the ancient art of acupuncture plays a key role in many of our chiropractic treatments. Acupuncture has been recognized as a safe and effective therapeutic technique for the relief of pain and discomfort of musculoskeletal conditions.
The following frequently asked questions explain more about what it is and the benefits it has to offer. For your convenience, we offer professional acupuncture services for residents in Daphne, Fairhope, Spanish Fort, and surrounding communities.
Acupuncture FAQ’s
What Is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient healing technique commonly used by Chinese medicine practitioners thousands of years ago. The method involves inserting exceptionally fine needles into specific parts of the body. The needles trigger the release of natural body chemicals like endorphins to relieve pain in your muscles, bones, and joints. With reduced pain, you can enjoy a greater range of motion and function. Acupuncture also improves blood flow to injured areas to expedite your healing.
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
The pins used in acupuncture are exceptionally thin that you will feel little to no pain when they are inserted. However, some people may feel a slight sting upon insertion and may experience tingling, warmth, numbness, or mild soreness afterward.
If at any time you feel uncomfortable during treatment, our acupuncturist can adjust the needles to make you feel at ease.
Is Acupuncture Safe?
Working with an experienced chiropractor and acupuncturist is key to getting the results you desire from acupuncture treatment, such as pain relief. Acupuncture is safe and effective when executed by a trained professional using the appropriate equipment for the procedure.
What Conditions Can Acupuncture Treat?
Acupuncture is an extremely versatile procedure, making it effective in treating a wide variety of conditions. We may include acupuncture in your neck pain treatment, back pain treatment, neurological disease treatment, or any other plan. Acupuncture can treat respiratory or digestive issues, headaches, migraines, urinary problems, neck pain, back pain, and auto or sports-related musculoskeletal injuries.
What Chiropractic Techniques Complement Acupuncture?
By combining acupuncture with other chiropractic therapies, such as spinal adjustments, massage, hot and cold treatments, and corrective exercises, you can get the full benefit of your chiropractic treatment. After a thorough evaluation of your medical condition, our chiropractor can determine what pain relief techniques and services are best for your situation.